(NOM) HKTDC Career and Education Expo

13 2 月 2014 – 16 2 月 2014 all-day
灣仔會議展覽中心 3C-E23

Corner Position! 2 sides opened!

Suggested Strategies:
1) Each LOM have your video with music showing your project done on your notebook!
2) Introduce directly the opportunities they have. JC Career Path will be shown on backdrop
3) Promote your coming PMO
4) Promote your coming MFG
5) Do survey for your projects and take the chance to introduce your chapter.

How to introduce JC in the booth?
青年商會係一個非牟利既國際性既領袖才能培訓組織, 全球有118個國家, 合共超過20萬會員, 我地透過籌辦不同活動, 俾我地既會員做一些工作上未做過既事情, 從而達到訓練自己 服務社會既目的, 好似十大傑出青年選舉, 就係一個好好既例子, 呢個工作計劃俾到會員學習如何去做戶外宣傳、記者招待會、提名事宜以至如何搞一個頒獎典禮等等, 呢D都係好難得既經驗, 希望會員可以學以至用, 以提升自己的工作技能, 也擴闊自己的社交圈子.